Problem or Opportunity?

When companies sent all non-essential workers home, many consultants were sent home as well.

I’ve spoken with numerous Lean/Six Sigma consultants who are now looking to rapidly change their business model to work remotely or offer virtual training instead of live training. We want to help.

KPI Fire is a software that helps Continuous Improvement (Lean/ 6Sigma, Operational Excellence) programs to enable remote collaboration and facilitates best practices in multiple locations. We can help you keep business going during this challenging time:

  • If you are a consultant that is looking to shift from doing on-site green belt training to remote training, we are offering you 3 months free on KPI Fire for anyone that pays YOU for your remote training. We hope this is a way to add value to your services and to promote remote training engagements.
  • If you are a company that is still paying a consultant to help with your Lean/6 Sigma program and you want some free KPI Fire licenses, please have your consultant contact us.
  • If you are a company who wants to engage a consultant, but has not yet chosen one, please contact us for referrals to consultants that we work with.


The average Return On Investment for Projects managed in KPI Fire is over $91, 279.  Many of our consultants and customers show a 10:1 ROI on dollars spent on Continuous Improvement programs and training.   If your company can afford to invest, now is a great time.

Please contact us for more details on any of these offers.