Product Enhancements – Release Notes June 2024

We are happy to announce some new enhancements & fixes:
(Last Release – June 30, 2023)

Note: if you don’t see the same thing in your account, try clearing your cache/cookies or use a “new private window” to refresh the cache.

Released  June 30, 2024

Metric Summary View

  • NEW feature :  Introducing a new Metric Summary View page to display department-wise metrics, showing a preview of how many metrics of each color exist in each department.
  • Users can see gauge chart, bowling chart, and tree view of each department’s metrics when clicking on the preview chart.
  • Users can use options in the bottom right to change the view, including expand all tree, collapse all tree, horizontal, compact, full screen, etc.

Metric Tile View

UI Enhancement: Color of tile gauge chart will now be grey if  data is not present in metric and we will show it as null.

Project Portfolio Timeline
  • Enhancement:  Enhanced Gantt timeline views(task timeline, project portfolio timeline) to show task tags in the hover-over details popup.
  • Enhancement:  Deleting a user now excludes inactive users from the replacement list.
  • UI Enhancement: Added actions dropdown with options to Edit, View, Delete, and Clone Huddleboard.
General Updates/ Bug Fixes
  • Goal & Metric import now correctly updates all data, including status.
  •  Actual, Target, and Budget values showing correctly for monthly and quarterly charts when benefit dates are cleared from more filters.
  • Huddleboard filters working correctly.
Released  June 24, 2024

Goal Grid View

  • NEW feature: Introducing beta versions of Goal Grid with new display options: Group By Goal (3 column), Group by category, and Grouped by departments. Explore these new options to organize and visualize your goals more effectively.

Data Tab

  • Enhancement: Added a popup on cell hover for editing and modifying large data in metrics columns.
Project Benefit Exception Report
  • Enhancement: Updated Project Benefit Exception Report Drill Down to display “Inactive” status next to user name if user is inactive.
General Updates/ Bug Fixes
  • Resolved issue of two Charter tabs being visible in Spanish translation.
  • Department names now remain visible on tiles after data is filled in metric bowling view.
  • Resolved issue with metric import, Users can now successfully import metrics from metric tile view without encountering error.
  • Metric bowling tiles on goal x matrix  now displaying accurate colors.
  • Resolved allignment issues of metric bowling tiles on metric bowling view.
  • Project benefits order on the Budgets tab now matches the order on the Project Benefits tab.
Released  June 17, 2024
Global Filters
  • Enhancement: Added a second option to the Clear Filter button, making it the default/primary button displayed, while retaining access to the current Clear filter behavior through a dropdown selection.
  • Reset Filter – Sets filters to your own user and department.
  • Clear Filters – Removes all filters and shows all that is visible to you.
Project List
  • NEW Feature: Ideas & Shelved Projects are now visible in the project list view.

Message Tab

  • Enhancement: Added option to send email notifications to all team members when posting to the message tab.
Metric Bowling
  •  Enhancement: Modified Bowling view to include year-to-date display option

Data Tab 

  • Enhancement: Added auto-calculation option for target column in metrics when input method is changed to sum from project benefit.

Group by Category

  • UI Enhancement: Updated group to display only 15 metrics per group on initial page load on all metric bowling view.
Idea Funnel
  • Enhancement: Made the column widths in the Idea Funnel adjustable, similar to the Goal List and Metric List views.

General Settings

  • NEW feature: Added new currency setting for Nicaraguan Currency (C$) in admin settings.
General Updates/ Bug Fixes
  • Performance: Improved loading speed of the Idea Funnel page.
  • Resolved issue with tag search due to API performance slowdown.
  • Prevented users from creating two primary benefits in Projects > Project Benefits.
Released  June 11, 2024
General Updates/ Bug Fixes
  •  Photo uploads on the huddleboard tile now persist after refreshing the page.
  • Team Engagement report now displaying correct values.
  • Task links will highlight the corresponding task in the project after redirection.
Released  June 07, 2024

Tasks Tab

  • UI Enhancement: “My Projects” sidebar now accessible from any project view, improving navigation convenience.
  • Enhancement: Users can now hide completed task groups by clicking on the eye icon.

Task Timeline

  • Enhancement: Clicking on owner or task name now opens task edit modal instead of due dates popup.

Bowling View

  • UI Enhancement: Metric Bowling view will  save the last opened group by view for user convenience.


  • Category now displays correctly in Bowling/Category format when selecting “Print to PDF.
Project Accountability Report
  • Enhancement: Project Accountability Report now displays the number of tasks done alongside the percentage, with hover-over details.
X Matrix Huddleboard / Goal X Matrix

Bowling View

  • UI Enhancement: Group by category now has sticky group headers when scrolling until the next group header is visible.
General Updates/ Bug Fixes
  • Members with “Edit Own” and “View Only” permissions restricted from updating priority in Portfolio and Task timeline.
  • Project License users with 2+ departments selected as visibility can now create tasks in another department.
  • Aligned start and due dates between Task Timeline and Tasks tab.
  • Resolved issue where A$ and RM currencies were not visible to Strategy user accounts in Admin settings.
  • Team engagement report displaying correct currency and Target benefit.
Released  June 03, 2024

Charter Tab

  • Linked projects now display the Project Leader as the owner instead of the creator.

Tasks Tab

  • NEW feature: Added functionality to search by task number in Prior task.
  • NEW feature: Added functionality to “Copy Group Link” in Project Tasks.

Edit Task

  • UI Enhnacement: Task comments now display the commenter’s name for better identification.
Project Portfolio Timeline
  • Enhancement: Enabled users to update task priority directly from the timeline Gantt chart on all timeline views.
General Updates/ Bug Fixes
  • Resolved issue with invalid links in notification emails on Idea Prioritization.
  • Team Engagement Report loading properly when using R currency.
  • Resolved issue where changing the time to Mountain automatically set it to Phoenix.

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